Author Guidelines

All submissions are made through the Precision Conference System (PCS 2.0). Submissions conflicting with one or more guidelines will be removed before or during the reviewing process.

Submit via the PCS conference system. Pick Aarhus and Aarhus 2025.

Accepted contributions will be added to the ACM Digital Library and thus indexed and searchable. As is custom in ACM affiliated conferences, papers and critiques will be archival whereas Work-in-Progress, Demos, and Workshops will be in the adjunct proceedings. Doctoral Consortium contributions will not be added to ACM DL.

Template Download Links

Aarhus2025 uses the ACM master article template and workflow for all submissions except Critiques and Demos & Experiences where this template is optional (see the Critiques page and the Demos & Experiences page). Submissions appear in a single-column format although final papers will be produced in double-column.

Overview of the TAPS workflow:

Prepare your submission

Mandatory for papers, optional for critiques (see the Critiques page for details). To prepare your contribution for submission, use the single column format using the provided Word or LaTeX templates. The correct templates for submissions are: single column Word Submission Template and single column LaTeX (using the "manuscript,review,anonymous" style available in the template). Reviewers will review your paper in the single column format.

For all categories: Submit only the PDF version of your manuscript to PCS. When generating the PDF file, please make sure that the fonts are embedded in the PDF file. This will ensure that reviewers can view the paper without problems.


Submissions that are subject to double-blind peer review must be properly anonymized. Author names and affiliations cannot be disclosed. Make sure that author identities are not accidentally disclosed in file meta-data or by supplementary material.

Aarhus2025 adheres to the CHI anonymization policy; please note that references to previous work by the authors should not be anonymized but referred to in third person. Sometimes this is tricky but in general, do your best to anonymize.


For papers and critiques: Your submission must be original work. It cannot have been published elsewhere, nor can it be under concurrent review for publication by another conference or journal.

All references must be complete, accurate, accessible to the public, and conform to the Conference Proceedings Publication Format. Do not cite publications that are proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.

Final camera-ready versions of accepted submissions must be accompanied by a signed copyright form which will be provided to accepted authors.


Final submissions must adhere to ACM's guidelines on accessible PDFs. We recommend working accessibility into your submission sooner rather than later, as accessibility can be an issue also for reviewers.

Visual and audio materials must also be made accessible. For instance, videos must have captions describing both the audio and the visuals.

Helpful Resources:

Use of Generative AI-tools

Aarhus2025 adheres to the SIGCHI Policy on Authorship. The use of generative AI tools and technologies to create content is permitted but must be fully disclosed in the work. Generative AI tools and technologies may not be listed as authors.