Past Conferences

The decennial has happened since 1975, and below you will (soon) find most of the previous proceedings/contributions. With output every ten years it is possible to follow also the ways that research writing and formats has changed: from self-published papers in Scandinavian languages (and detailed reports of the group work at the conference) in 1975, over published books after the conferences in 1985 and 1995, to online PDFs in 2005 and fully integrated into the online database ACM Digital Library in 2015. We will put the previous contributions online as we digitise them (and manage to get permission from authors to do so), so come back later too. Dig in! It's such a treasure trove of topics and ideas.


Arbejdsformer i systemudvikling

The, primarily Nordic, conference in 1975 was a milestone in defining the development of computer-based, socio-technical systems as an area where the end-users should have a major say.


Computers and Democracy

Focus on practical collaboration with workers and theoretical contributions on topics like object orientation and software as a process. This conference was truly international. PDFs of the proceedings will be added here in January.


Computers in Context: joining forces in design

Focusing on the variety of disciplines involved with the design of computer artifacts as critical action. Over the years the involvement of end-users has become standard procedure in many organizations. PDFs of the proceedings will be added here in January.


Critical Computing -- between sense and sensibility

Focus on revitalize the idea of IT-research as critical action, not only as workplace actionism, but also by integrating a broader scope of critical analysis and critical practice.


Critical Alternatives

Focus on critical alternatives in alignment with utopian principles—that is, the hope that things might not only be different but also radically better. Critical alternatives matter and make people reflect.