Doctoral Consortium

The Aarhus 2025 Doctoral Consortium provides current doctoral candidates with unique opportunities to engage in exchanges about doctoral research relevant to the conference with researchers and peers in a stimulating, open, and safe environment. We expect that participants will come from a variety of disciplines and thus that this will be an interdisciplinary environment as well.

The Aarhus 2025 Doctoral Consortium is a place for mentoring and sharing research relevant to the conference theme among Ph.D. students and established researchers. This event is a forum for in-depth research discussions and sharing of experiences, problems, success stories, and tradeoffs between different research directions in a stimulating, open, and safe environment. We expect that participants will come from a variety of disciplines to create a lively interdisciplinary environment.

As part of submissions to the Doctoral Consortium, we invite you to consider the conference title, “computing (x) crisis”, and how this relates your research to alternatives to current directions in computing, for instance via methodological or theoretical developments, or present new forms of critical or societal engagements and action. With the (X) we invite authors to speculate on potential replacements of the universal X – with, after, in, etc – and on what it means to combine the two words.

The doctoral consortium will take place on-site at Aarhus University, Denmark.

Doctoral consortium contributions will not be added to ACM Digital Library.

Who can participate?

You must be enrolled in a conference-relevant discipline as a doctoral candidate at the time of submitting your application and at the time of the conference. You will get the most value from attending if you have a clear direction for your thesis but have not yet finished your research. However, people at other stages may be considered. We are expecting to accept 10-12 candidates.

Preparing and Submitting

Submissions should be single-authored by the PhD student and NOT anonymous. You will submit the following 2 PDFs in the ACM master article template (single column), format through the Precision Conference submission system (PCS).

PDF 1: PhD Abstract

Submit a description of your PhD project, max of 4 pages excluding references.

PDF 2: Supporting Materials

The supporting document should include the following:

  • What new perspectives does your research provide? (max 200 words)
  • A list of three key readings, with a brief description of how they have influenced your PhD (max 1 page).
  • A brief statement of where you are in your PhD process (max 200 words).

After acceptance, we will also ask you to submit:

  • A brief response to the material of 1-2 other participants. This could be in the form of three comments and two questions.

Review Process

Submissions will be reviewed by the Doctoral Consortium Chairs. Participation in the Doctoral Consortium will be limited to candidates who have been accepted into the Consortium.


If you are accepted to the Doctoral Consortium, we will send you registration instructions. Participation in the Doctoral Consortium is free of charge to the invited participants. Please note, that if you are presenting and/or participating in any other part of the conference, you will need to pay the student conference registration fee.

At the Doctoral Consortium

Specific instructions about the presentation format and practicalities will be delivered before the Doctoral Consortium for the accepted participants. As the aim of the Doctoral Consortium is to learn from one another, we expect active participation in discussions and giving constructive feedback on each other’s ideas and materials. We hope that the participants will help each other gain new ideas and perspectives on their research directions and form new friendships with the other attendees.

Important Dates

All dates are AoE, Anytime on Earth

6th May 2025
12th June 2025
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